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New member
I apologize about the previous incorrect thread.
I was asked to repost this on here from the [DBTech] vBShout v5 (vB4) [AJAX] thread on the VB forums.

I am hopping something can be added in the future releases.

Just two extra things to the ban system, reason field and a unbanned time.

Example in the shoutbox, a moderator can type /ban John Spamming 1m 3d this would ban the user John for 1 month 3 days and unban him on that date, h=Hour(s) d=Day(s) m=Month(s) y=year(s) 0= perm.

Just at the moment when you have a few moderators banning people they can either forget the reason or/and forget to unban if it was a minor offense.

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You need to put in your site url by clicking on edit issue above. Only staff can see this information.

I am not sure why it would be relevant for an suggestion. You viewing the forum will not "make or brake" the suggestion.
I am not sure why it would be relevant for an suggestion. You viewing the forum will not "make or brake" the suggestion.

It allows our system to keep useful notes on things like what sites are giving the most useful feedback (for receiving DBTech discount points), whether or not problems are occurring when a site has different mods installed and in situations like this with feature requests it also allows us to make sure the requests aren't coming from competitors who may have underlying motives ;).

In short it's information that can in no way be abused and that there is no reason to hide, but which is useful for a variety of reasons in helping us monitor issues and reward users. We feel it's a very small request to make for the completely free services you receive/we provide - wouldn't you agree?

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