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Hey, I recently installed the vBShop V2 on my forums, which have been running the first version of vBCredits.

First off, we like this version because of the "banking" page. It just looks better to us. xD

But, is their a way to intergrate the Shop with the Credits system? I've done what I would do if I had vBCredits II Deluxe, but nothing worked.

I'm guessing it's just not going to work? Because we really don't want to upgrade to vB 4x after all of this work. :(
It's not an officially supported addon, but Darkwaltz4 might be able to help you - though it's not guaranteed.
Only way to not have that in the footer is purchase the pro version.

The Standard/Lite versions also come with an amendment to the copyright footer adding the words "Runs best on Hiveocity Hosting" You can also get a 10% discount from them by mentioning DragonByte Tech to the sales agent - note we do NOT receive commission from this.
The integration should be identical as with vBCredits II deluxe ... can you describe what you are trying to put?
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The Credits system has been in use for months now, so everyone has accumulated some wealth. I don't want to have two identical credit fields, just one universal one basicially.
So what would I put in the field in the AdminCP?
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