vbActivity versus built-in user titles, ranks, etc.

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How do most forums typically combine vbActivity and the built in VB ranking & title system? Or do they?? I'm thinking about simply not using the built in features (assuming that's possible)...
Far as i know most people just stop using the default stuff and use VBA for it instead, since it's much more flexible.
I'm still using ranks for giving the user a new title after they post a certain number of messages. I have it set so their usergroup title is displayed beneath their name on each post. The rank is then below the usergroup title. Are you saying there is a way you can do this with vba? Not sure I am seeing how to do that.
Ah whoops, thats my bad =D

It was in the feature list for 2.0 but got bumped to the list for another modification instead because it ended up being too expansive.

Ahhh, I'll keep my eye out for it then. I will be interested in seeing what it can do. Although, I have had the userranks and usergroup titles in there for a long time, so I am not sure I would be able to switch over.
Ahhh, I'll keep my eye out for it then. I will be interested in seeing what it can do. Although, I have had the userranks and usergroup titles in there for a long time, so I am not sure I would be able to switch over.

Under current plans it wouldn't be very difficult.

You would just recreate the relevant criteria (posts = X) in the new system =)
I'm using ranks for the main usergroup identification, and then Activity + Point Market Place for people to make up their own usertitles with the points they're making on the site :) Love that combo has been working great so far.
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