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installed 1.0.0b17
importing v32 games for ibproarcade, the v32 files aren't copied out of the temp folder, hence the scores are 0 on the arcade.
Not even sure where I should put them for vBArcade

So Qs
1. What do I need to change to allow for successful imports?
2. Where do the v32 gamedata files need to live for vBArcade?

It should very much be grabbing the v32 stuff...

What method did you use for importing - previous install, or archive file upload?

If previous install, from which platform?

If archive file upload, can you attach the game you tried (you might need to zip it first).
I did see it happen on my arcade to DW, the game was 1 Starship, I think it has to do from where IPB got the games from, as some of the v32 games save a score.
ozzy - that wont unzip for me using anything.

ive added tar to an acceptable attachment format at dbtech.

this does give me an opportunity to make it suppress failed unzip errors :D
was the tar always called game_1.tar? because currently the import relies on the fact that the v32 games look like game_[gname].tar not [gameid]... and if thats the case, then i need to alter the importer to handle that.
No it was not, seems vBulletin is renaming that file for some reason, I re zipped it, see if that helps.


Well I just installed Arcade on a new site, set it all up, installed a game from my site that is a v32, and the scores don't do jack, shows 0

But the game works on my site, it was one of my first installed games, somewhere around beta 2
It should very much be grabbing the v32 stuff...

What method did you use for importing - previous install, or archive file upload?

If previous install, from which platform?

If archive file upload, can you attach the game you tried (you might need to zip it first).
Apologies for delay..
Didn't expect such a quick response :)

I used archive file upload (attached)
View attachment

Have tried a few v32 games - and same issue. Game works, a score is submitted, but the score is always 0.
I looked around the filesystem and can't see the v32 files anywhere other than the temp import location.
you are right - it should have grabbed the gamedata folder but did not for some reason. i must have broken it. fixing asap..
this is fixed in the new beta available now

So does that mean we have to re import the v32 games?

UGGGG nevermind I see the other post, that sucks for me lol

I see b17 in customer area, is that a typo?
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bah i have to update that too.

if you imported a v32 game prior to b14 i think it should still work fine. only those v32 games imported afterwards were accidentally excluding the v32 scoring files.
Well that really stinks for me, that means I have to reimport 13,700 from IPB and 7,000 + from Mochi lol
Well here is to beta !!
Yeah up to that point, I only had just over 4000, I figured by that point it was stable enough to import them all lol
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