uncompressing templates returns a Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds

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Ah, I was afraid this might happen on certain servers. I'll make it so the uncompress does X at a time. Meanwhile your templates shouldn't be damaged in anyway :)
I noticed that however at first it really gave me a scare :D

I use the template modification system so my templates are (except one ad template and the additional.css template) vB original templates.
So far with compressed templates I don't see any problems.

But just in case, could there be a conflict with compressing templates and the tms mod?
TMS Mod? Which is that.

As for the compression, this is done on the database so the templates are served compressed (not in realtime, which would hog CPU), if someone else is compressing after that there will be no conflictions, just double compression :)
You don't know that one?

This is THE most important mod for vB that anyone needs who does modify his vBulletin.

It makes upgrading vB as easy as 1 2 3 :p


I would not want to upgrade my heavily modified vB without it :D

ps: works on vB4 as well but vB4 is missing a hook so far so it is not yet officially released for vB4

Ahh that one :) Well afaik there's no conflictions, and there shouldn't be really. vBO only tampers with "compiled" templates, which mods don't interface with really.
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