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I have an item available in the shop for PM capacity set to 1000

Once bought the PM system shows you have 1000 message limit available etc.

The original usergroup was set at 100, but the problem is they are getting PM messages that their inbox was full at 100 messages, so they have to empty a few messages, to receive the new ones!

Any advice on this one?
I've tested this on multiple occasions on your vB version and I've found it to work every time. You may have a mod conflict that overrides our overrides (:p) - please try disabling all other mods and see if it still doesn't work :)
Ok, I'll try this on my test board.

When you did your test did you throttle the quantity over it's maximum for your results?

ie it doesn't necessarily have to 1000 pm's of course..
My test user had 20+ PMs so I set allowed to 5, bought the item, tried to send test PM and saw it worked :)
I think this has been fixed, it may be a bug, I was using additional usergroup, with less permissions, this may have affected the use of the PM's working,
Still got problems with buying greater PM capacity..

latest message


The following errors occurred with your submission

  • Test Member has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

They should have an extra 800 messages but the default is still being called to, scratching head.

Anything I need to check via database\?
Is there a table in the database that shows PM capacity set bought etc or is it internal stuff?

Just thinking out loud for checks.
It's all internal checks done in the cache_permissions() function in functions.php

Maybe there's a plugin conflict, can you disable all other plugins that use the cache_permissions hook?
OK, I'll give it a try.

The only mod using the same is 'Move Inactive and Lurker Members to new Usergroup'

Unchecking now..
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