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New member
I am not your customer, but I seen on some forums, then if the display order is the oldest first, and Shout Input Area Default Location is Below Shouts, in Chrome with Addblock, when scrollBottom() function is called, the container is scrolling only to the half of height.
You should check this out
Autoscroll was a good function. Do you know exactly what cause this problem? Because, I created testing site, I put into one div (height: 100px) another div with text (height: 1050px), and when by jquery I did:
then it's scrolling entire div, even with addblock
Autoscroll was a good function. Do you know exactly what cause this problem? Because, I created testing site, I put into one div (height: 100px) another div with text (height: 1050px), and when by jquery I did:
then it's scrolling entire div, even with addblock


Could you update the URL in your original post please? It's not made public and only staff can see it :)

It's useful for us for many reasons, from getting an idea of what sites are/are considering using our mods, to helping us build up a database of questions asked for/about each URL etc.

The data isn't "used" in any way, so there is no real reason not to give it. We feel like this is a very small thing to ask in return for taking the time to answer your questions free of charge.


Sorry to bump this, but its relevant and best imo to keep relevant info together.

So V6 removed the auto scroll feature? - as it stands oldest first seems not to function correctly and new messages do not auto appear at bottom unless you scroll down, what can I do to resolve this? - newest first is a bit confusiing :)
It did, because the old method did not work correctly in all browsers according to our reports.

We will look into whether alternative, more compatible ways can be added in the future :)
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