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We have been testing the pro addon for use but I have found that when enabled our forumhome page processing time jumps from 0.4s to 1.4s per page. Other pages likewise see a drastic increase in processing time (typical thread 0.1s to 0.4s) and I was wondering if this was normal when installing or a plugin we use is causing the issue.
Love the features but the performance hit is too much right now.

TBH I don't see how that is possible on forumhome, there is no queries added there.
Hmm trying to think, I have been able to scrape it down to 1.27s odd but its still too high.
We use innodb tables (all tables must be) but on a different setup we still have the same problem.

How much of an increase in debug processing time do you get on forumhome when turning on/off?
I see no difference in load times, on this site, with the mod enabled or disabled.

Try turning off the PM Notification Settings for the mod and see what happens.
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I have a ton of db addons going including Vbsuperpm and i dont notice any lag what so ever or performance issues ...

You might want to disable all your addons and just leave super pm and see what that does
I have a ton of db addons going including Vbsuperpm and i dont notice any lag what so ever or performance issues ...

You might want to disable all your addons and just leave super pm and see what that does

Like wise..I am running 22 DBTech adons on 1 forum and so far 8 on my other forum with super pms and i dont have any issues either..
ZeroHour I have made some adjustments that might just solve this. Please re download the files and upload, dbtech/vbsuper_pm/hooks/preview/template_render_output.php and let me know how that goes.
ZeroHour I have made some adjustments that might just solve this. Please re download the files and upload, dbtech/vbsuper_pm/hooks/preview/template_render_output.php and let me know how that goes.

Really sorry I didnt see this message, it appears mail is not arriving on our office 365 from your servers at times.

Will test and report back.
Ok cool, It has eliminated the lag on other sites that have reported, so hopefully it does on yours as well.
Sorry to report this appears to have broken part of Advanced User Tagging.
In Advanced User Tagging I have disabled globally disabled the features Tags, Quotes and Hashes via the admincp but after enabling this fix the quotes feature appears to be enabled regardless of settings resulting in a large amount of users receiving pm notifications and email notifications.
Disabling vbSuperPM fixed the problem instantly.
Hmmm, I don't see how that is possible, could you go to the ACP / Plugins & Products / Plugin Manager then scroll down in the list and find the plugin called, Pm reply to all str replace in the group DragonByte Tech: Super PM's (Pro)

Untick that box, scroll to the bottom and click on Save Active Status, then re enable the mod, and see if you still have the same issue.
Found the issue, it appears some settings had no applied properly in the config, I reinstalled the addon fresh and reset everything and now it seems to work fine.
Thanks for all the help.
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Legacy vBSuper PM's

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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