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Former Developer
On the Welcome panel on my install it's showing my total stats as 8860 posts, but 1 thread. I have slightly more than one thread... :D

I know the statistics across the rest of the forum are correct, so is it an error in InfoPanels, or something else?
The thread query is a simple COUNT on the thread table for a number of threads where you're listed as "postuserid" (i.e. the person posting the thread).

I don't think there's anything I can do about this if your database gives the wrong result...
I tried the query myself direct in MySQL:

SELECT COUNT( postuserid )
FROM vb3_thread
WHERE postuserid =anumber

Where "anumber" equaled my userid. I got more than 1 thread, I got over 1500...
Try re-downloading and re-uploading, maybe there was a hotfix since you last updated then.
Tried reuploading it, but with no success, the bug remains. I'm running vBO, and I've flushed the cache, but not success either. I have noticed a significant load increase on the VPS when InfoPanels is running, could it be interlinked with this issue?
tried the usual disable all other mods, clear cache and re-test scenario?

Yeah, no hooks and it runs like lightening. I'm thinking now it's vBO and Memcached (with Memcached being the problem) causing issues. Still working on it with my hosts.
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