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New member
I just updated the vBulletin software and suddenly some of the notifications aren't working anymore.
When i look inside the admin CP i can see that the notifications admin page is empty.
What can i door to solve this?
If you go into Forum Manager in the default vBulletin menu, do all your forums show up there? If so, edit one and save it, then try the screen again.

It appears as if your forum cache is corrupt.
Please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account, and I'll look into it :)

Please note that I am currently preparing to travel, so it may take a few days for me to get around to it.
i have same issue on my test site i find it hard to believe that i am corupt somewhere how do i repair the cache if so or may there be other solutions..
i have same issue on my test site i find it hard to believe that i am corupt somewhere how do i repair the cache if so or may there be other solutions..
Please follow the instructions in my previous post:
If you go into Forum Manager in the default vBulletin menu, do all your forums show up there? If so, edit one and save it, then try the screen again.

It appears as if your forum cache is corrupt.
Please follow the instructions in my previous post:

yes i followed your instructions way before i put in the post and still a blank screen i need to know the solution if there is any i have taken out and re loaded the files to the right locations on server and uploaded product a number of times but get same result if i have corrupted cache how am i fixing that ...thanks in advance
Please add the following code to config.php:
ini_set('display_errors', true);
and see if that produces an error message on the page that is currently blank.
I'm fresh out of ideas, sorry. If editing and saving forums does not fix it as per the previous post then there's nothing more I can do :(
I'm fresh out of ideas, sorry. If editing and saving forums does not fix it as per the previous post then there's nothing more I can do :(

thanks if you think of anything down line please let me know luckily this is just on test site the regular site is not having this issue
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