Legacy Not have trophy images from vBA show in thanks area

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Because this is related to vbActivity, the actual problem resides in vbAPTL.

The suggestion is to not have the trophy images show in the thanks cloud as it makes the forum look rather chunky and clumsy.

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That's sadly not possible, as the results of the "fetch markup username" function is cached by the time APTL fetches it.
The reason I asked the same question over in vBa was if the markup could be somehow stopped. As it doesnt show anywhere else WGO etc, or is this because postbit/legacy has its own properties?
Unfortunately not, the reason why it doesn't show anywhere else is because I tell the trophy part of the "fetch markup username" (HTML username) hook to only run on showthread. After it has run once (i.e. when posts are displayed) the markup username is cached and the function does not run again when it's doing the APTL thanks area.
That's a shame, just came her for the same reason. The trophies in thanks/like do look messy but i want them in postbit next to usernames.
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