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Am trying to get the Tag box to show Here

<!-- scripts for quick reply and quick edit -->
{vb:raw vBeditTemplate.clientscript}
<vb:if condition="$show['quickedit']">
	<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- / scripts for quick reply and quick edit -->

Right Here

<vb:if condition="$show['quickreply']">
<div id="qr_defaultcontainer" class="blockfoot floatcontainer qrcontainer<vb:if condition="$show['qr_require_click']"> qr_require_click</vb:if>">
<form class="vbform" name="quick_reply" id="quick_reply" method="post" action="newreply.php?do=postreply&t={vb:raw threadid}"
	onsubmit="return qr_prepare_submit(this, {vb:raw vboptions.postminchars});">
	<div id="qr_error_tbody" class="block errorblock hidden">
		<h3 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase errors}</h3>
		<div class="blockbody formcontrols">
			<h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase errors_occured_when_submitted}</h3>
			<div class="blockrow error" id="qr_error_td"></div>

But there is no hook i can link to
could you explain how i could do this please?

Or if it could be show above the quick reply box someother way

You were on the right track before, you just need to not move the <script> tag's hook.

That being said, we can't support custom modifications to our code because it makes debugging a nightmare.
You were on the right track before, you just need to not move the <script> tag's hook.

What do you mean? i wasnt trying anything than:P
I was showing you guys where abouts i would want it adding :P

If you could give me something i could hook to like that Ad or hook ill do the rest :)
I think you guys need to add this

{vb:raw mod_name_blah}
Show on pages : anything
Show templates : anything

Just like you do in the chatmod. On everymod you make.
Im thinking of not using this now because of the two places you can add it looks so dam wrong...:mad:
Hadn't even thought of that, good idea :)
After the RPG, we'll be doing feature updates to every mod so hopefully this can be added (and vBA's support improved) :)
Our aim is to be releasing updates second half of september through october - that's subject to change of course =). Keep an eye on the blogs for regular updates on whats been done and whats up next =)
Our aim is to be releasing updates second half of september through october - that's subject to change of course =). Keep an eye on the blogs for regular updates on whats been done and whats up next =)

I do keep my eye on them :)
Be nice for a quick fix to move it to the editor bar tho :D
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