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I want to move the postbit info to the bottom of the postbit. The issue is that I haven't been over to figure that out. I also can't figure out how to change the text color of "Trophies" from black.
The main postbit template for trophies is dbtech_vbarcade_postbit (and the game icons are dbtech_vbarcade_postbit_game).

As for moving it, they are inserted at the postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts template hook
So how would I be able to force it to the bottom of the list? It looks like several plugins like credits, blogs etc are posted the same way.
You will have to edit the plugins that each add something to the postbit, and change the execution orders to reflect the order you want them to show stuff on your postbit.
So since I don't know how to do that, the only other options are to either remove it or put it in the signature. So with that, is that possible?
admincp > plugins & products > plugin manager

sort by hook location, then scroll down to the postbit_display_complete section.

that will list all the plugins that are adding stuff to the postbit, along with the product that is adding it (which should indicate to you what each one adds).

determine the order you want them to be in (1, 2, 3, etc) then click the titles for each one in that order, and change the Execution Order value to match, then save and repeat.

When you are done, go check out the postbit to see if its how you want.
vB has that hard coded, in your additional.css template add this:


You can change 000000 to what ever value you want.
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