
Am i having blonde moments? I used to buying your products, install, set settings up and they work but now suddenly i purchase postbttabs and profile hover and now i find what was great products now having to do alot of manual fixing or work arounds and considering the cost of these products and branding free it is something i didn't expect or want to do.

I have disable my latest purchased items and won't be using them untill new versions come out that i don't have to manually do the work myself. I feel i wasted £100+ this morning :-(

And do you think it is right considering the high cost of certain products with branding free that a customer has to then do the manual work to get it to work as it should?

Is it fair to tell a customer it will be a week before a new update is ready as i read in a thread today?

Question is are you rushing new products out before there ready just to get the money in?

Do you not feel it is better to work on one product at a time rather than loads that then stretch the time you have to support and fix current projects?

Just some feedback and queries as some of us are not pro coders and have come to rely on your products working first time seems now you pay your money nd get a buggy unfinished product that you then have to fix.
Am i having blonde moments? I used to buying your products, install, set settings up and they work but now suddenly i purchase postbttabs and profile hover and now i find what was great products now having to do alot of manual fixing or work arounds and considering the cost of these products and branding free it is something i didn't expect or want to do.

I have disable my latest purchased items and won't be using them untill new versions come out that i don't have to manually do the work myself. I feel i wasted £100+ this morning :-(

And do you think it is right considering the high cost of certain products with branding free that a customer has to then do the manual work to get it to work as it should?

Is it fair to tell a customer it will be a week before a new update is ready as i read in a thread today?

Question is are you rushing new products out before there ready just to get the money in?

Do you not feel it is better to work on one product at a time rather than loads that then stretch the time you have to support and fix current projects?

Just some feedback and queries as some of us are not pro coders and have come to rely on your products working first time seems now you pay your money nd get a buggy unfinished product that you then have to fix.

We have several coders working on different projects =) - in the past 2 weeks we have released over 10 updates to our modifications which i think you will agree demonstrates clearly that our priorities are very much to keep our products improving for our current customers over releasing new products.

While we would love it if we could release 1 product and just update it and only it, that is not possible. DragonByte Technologies is what puts food on the table for myself and Fillip H., and as such we do have to release new products. Without doing this we would have to take jobs elsewhere, which would result in vastly reduced time, and impact the time it takes for updates much more. If you can think of any ways around this i would be very open to hearing them.

All of our products go through testing here on DBTech, and many also go through further testing in other locations.

Re: The time for updates, we specify our aims for this in our T&C (which you marked that you had read - if you didn't it's very short and written very clearly unlike most T&C documents). We feel that our times are very acceptable and they are far better than the update time for vbulletin software itself for instance. I think it is quite unfair to hold us to one standard, but to hold Internet Brands to another - especially since we are a much smaller company with fewer resources.

As far as postbit tabs goes, we have added as many options as we can as default, however it is literally physically impossible for us to make it so any information from any mod can be added without you having to grab the information from elsewhere - it is also impossible for us to have it automatically remove information, as templates are not standard. Template edits are unfortunately necessary for this type of modification - we are always looking for ways to make things as simple and easy as possible for customers, but some modifications, due to their nature, will require some setup.

I'm not aware of the manual work you are referring to with regards to mini profile hover, could you expand on that?

As always we release Lite versions which we 100% recommend everyone installs and tries before making the pro purchase - we are also happy to answer any questions people may have about the pro version before purchase. We have also added a new admin demo site for people to test the ACP use of all of our pro products before purchase. We have also recently added an installation service for our modifications for people who are less technically inclined, and we are always happy to give advice on how to achieve the best results from our modifications.

I think in this case it is a misunderstanding about the nature of the mod, and the limitations of vbulletin which is has caused you to feel the mod is "unfinished". I can promise you that's not the case. Our standards now are the same as they have been all along.

We try to do everything we can to ensure people know what they are buying and get to try it and ask questions before spending money. We are always looking at ways we can improve communication with customers though and it would be great if you had any suggestions based on your experience as to how we could improve upon this in the future.

Thanks for reading,

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The mod i was referring too was this one

As much as it appears it is being fixed and maybe i am worng and forgive me if i am and sorry but i spent an age today trying to locate anything about how the issues was resolved.

Other issue i had was with this

Again maybe i am being a complete numpty and having a blonde day rather than a moment but this also required template edits which i normally do and have no issues doing but i just couldn't for the life of me get my head round it with instructions put today.

In future i may use Lite versions first as i normally go Pro right away save the hassle later. I thought long hard before i wrote anything today and had a few hours to think and maybe part of it is my fault and i just got used to your products working flawlessy out of the box.

You serve up great products and main reason people like me come back and will continue to come back :-)
Hopefully over the course of this week, we will be writing an extensive manual on how to make Postbit Tabs work without any duplicated postbit things.
@ saucerfoot read the forums all the details you need is in there -)

@ Fillip H. 5 days feels like a lifetime but will wait unless you can help shoot me a pm.
The updated installer won't affect any currently installed systems - to remove duplicates you simply go into the options and turn off automatic deployment / uncheck the "below post count" display option for every DBT product that's currently being duplicated.

If you do not have any of those options, or turning said option off ends up removing it from PBTabs as well, then please update the products to their latest versions, which should fix all such issues :)
Think if i had one suggestion it would be a dedicated support team. As before your mods are not cheap and support is lacking i find even for pro users. I understand you have to sleep and work but waiting hours and hours and hours for answer or help i feel is abit much for paying customers.
Think if i had one suggestion it would be a dedicated support team. As before your mods are not cheap and support is lacking i find even for pro users. I understand you have to sleep and work but waiting hours and hours and hours for answer or help i feel is abit much for paying customers.

Unfortunately in order to afford that we would have to pretty much double our prices. While there are all sorts of great ways we would like to improve DBTech and the service we provide, most of them are just completely impractical. I'd be very surprised if you find any mod company our size (or indeed any company our size period) which offers 24/7 support.