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I installed vB Optimise Pro and the link Resource Statistics returns an empty page

I had the lite version installed before and removed it before installation

Have you turned on your resource statistics savings in the options?

Additionally make sure /vboptimise/filecache has write permissions, otherwise statistics cannot be collected :)
vB Optimise: Resource Saving Statistics is YES and filecache is writeable.

I also run the cron to generate the statistics just to make sure.
Still a blank page.
According to your site here, there's an error:

Looks like installation didn't go smoothly, or there are missing plugins. I'd say try installing the product XML for Pro again (allow overwrite, you don't need to uninstall). If the error persists it'd be great if you could provide me with a temporary FTP/Admin user :)
The Problem was not vBO it was Supercharged.
I use a different admincp folder and the acp path was hardcoded into vB Supercharged mod ;)

Will give that info to the mod coder ;)

Stats and vBO are now working

Thanks for the help

Not a problem, glad it's all sorted out :)

If you'd like to be included on our performance chart (here) then let me know :)
I can do that :p Just so you're aware, our system will call your site roughly every 10 minutes to collect this data, visiting you 6 times an hour is hardly concern for load but you should be aware none-the-less.

I'll get you added and make those legends links, also keep in mind the chart won't display you properly until tomorrow, because it needs atleast 2 days worth of data to draw a line :)
One more thing to the displaying of the resource stats here

Why do you need it to be "real time" and query my server 144 times a day?
It would totally suffice to update the stats once or twice a day.
Nobody is checking this graph every ten minutes ;)
The current websites on there are happy to keep it updated every 10 minutes, plus when people see it half way through a day the values represent correctly. If this is an issue I can hold off adding you :)
I can do that :p Just so you're aware, our system will call your site roughly every 10 minutes to collect this data, visiting you 6 times an hour is hardly concern for load but you should be aware none-the-less.

I'll get you added and make those legends links, also keep in mind the chart won't display you properly until tomorrow, because it needs atleast 2 days worth of data to draw a line :)

Sorry about these silly questions:

What chart are we talking here? And does that mean every site that runs vb Optimize will get "visit" by your site? What if we do not want to be counted?

Also on another (related) topic: My site shows:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

<data Month="Installation" Amount="0"/>
<data Month="Apr 26th" Amount="xxxxxxx"/>
<data Month="Apr 27th" Amount="xxxxxxx"/>

Should I be concerned?

The chart is only used for sites who have been asked about it beforehand or who have requested to be put on it. This is usually large sites etc. If no one has approached you then your site shouldn't be on the chart.

Chart is here:

As for your other question, Deceptor will answer that as soon as he can. He's currently on a small vacation so it might be a few days. Doesn't seem to be a major issue anyway.
The XML should not have any style information, Firefox just always reports that on bog-standard XML files, sorry for the delayed reply - still on holiday :)
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