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I had imported files from DownloadsII in the previous version of vBDownloads. In the beta these files do not register or display correctly.

- On the vBDownloads home, the "Total Files" displays the correct number of files.
- Under the categories > files statistic the file number doesn't represent the true amount of files. It doesn't include any files from downloadsII in the statistics.
- Imported files from downloadsII aren't showing in "latest download"
It is empty when there hasn't been a file added from vbdownloads (only files added from downloadsII)

It displays files from vBDownloads when they have been added, but doesn't add downloadsII imported files to the stats or the displays
Can you check the moderation column for the imported files in the dbtech_downloads_download table?

If it's set to 1, then that's the issue - the files are flagged as being under moderation.
In that case I'll need FTP in order to test it, can you please restore the previous FTP account I had?

Also I'll need to know which files are imported and what category they're in.
I updated the file counters on the main list, but the sidebar is not a bug. It's designed to only read downloads from the category you're currently browsing, not including child categories.

However, I can see how that might be confusing considering other stats include child categories, so I'll change this for v2.0 :)
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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