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We installed this PRO version on our site:

I installed all the files we had to be imported in /hobbymac/vbdownloads


1. We made categories, and began importing files into the categories.
The program does not sort or alphabetize the categories or files. Any way to do that? Would make browsing much easier.

2. The program is making a thumbnail image, and it is black. This is undesirable. How can we fix this? I would ideally like to change the default "No Image" to something nicer as I did with the category images. But how, and how to remove the blacked out images?

3. Is there any way for the system to remove duplicates without doing it manually?

4. This is from one of my moderators:

"In any case, I think, if I understand what New Files and Existing Files mean, that I just finished moving all of the files that you have uploaded out of New Files and either to where they belong or into Unknown or Delete Que. I have started looking at the files in Unknown trying to determine where they belong, This is going to be a much slower process than moving them in there was as you can only do one at a time and you have to download it in order to see what it is. I discovered what one group of GIF's and one group of JPG;s are and created sub-folders under Unknown into which to consolidate them. "

Is he correct, or is there something we are missing? Thanks,

The - The Friendly Machinist Forum®
1. Can you please be more specific? Where do you mean for the sorting to appear, exactly?

2a. Can you please post a screenshot?

2b. The "no image" image used is /dbtech/downloads/images/noimage.png

3. Unfortunately not, no.

4. Sorry, I don't understand any of that. When importing files from the FTP system, "existing files" means files that have already been imported into vBDownloads. If duplicates are undesirable, those files should not be ticked on subsequent imports.
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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