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I'd like to safely remove the auto-changing price text when purchasing credits via PayPal from the credits_popup template (for aesthetic reasons - jumping text fields just ain't my scene!).

I can probably figure it out myself, but I'm not *quite* good enough to be sure to do it without breaking anything. Would you be so kind as to let me know which section (from where to where) it's safe to excise that without accidentally affecting the actual purchase function?

Thanks in advance. I know this isn't a bug or anything, so I appreciate the help. :)
I designed the purchasing process to be as streamlined as possible, especially concerning intermediate pages like for paid subscriptions (first you pick the one you want, then the processor, then finally paypal) and made it so every page can buy credits in just one step. Of course, this means showing the price before they submit, because otherwise, paypal isn't cool with letting you integrate with them.

Removing that would kind of make it a "surprise" with the prices that you set up. Are you sure you want to do that?
Yeah - partly it doesn't work smoothly (sometimes it doesn't update, sometimes it does, sometimes it does but is wrong, sometimes it says one price then another, sometimes it shows a price then switches back to the regular text), and partly the changing text length makes the text jump around and the box expand and contract. Looks - to me - pretty messy (no offence intended). Plus the box is very crowded with information.

What I figured I'd do it put in the box instead a simple, unchanging "$1 for 10 Gold" (or whatever price I decide - but it'll be something very easy for people to work out). I'll only be using it for PayPal purchases - none of the other functions from that box will be active on my board. It's gonna strictly be "buy points with real money, and spend them on the site".

Sorry, man - that sounded really critical. I don't mean to sound like that! But it'd take ages if I posted a thread about each element of the system that I do like. :)
The way it updates is by sending an ajax request upon keypress. Fast typers would result in multiple ajax requests in quick succession, and your server might not respond to each of them at the same speed (resulting in them being returned in the wrong order). That is what causes those kinds of things, but I can look into improved queuing or something for the future.

First thing you'll want to do is modify the credits_purchase_instruction phrase to what you said above. Then in the credits_popup template, find

if (actionid == 'purchase')

and replace with

if (false && actionid == 'purchase')

should do the trick!
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

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