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Did you edit your htaccess file?

If so, can you verify you're running Apache and not another webserver like nginx or IIS?
In the vB ACP it will say next to the "Web Server" bit, you may have to hit "Control Panel Home" to get there.
In cPanel/WHM, can you confirm that mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache? You can check this via WHM by going to EasyApache and following the steps until you reach the exhaustive options list for Apache.

If that is enabled, then please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account, and I'll look into this further for you :)
Keywords allow you to use the Content-Aware Titles function (currently available for Threads, Blogs and CMS, can be configured separately) that will generate titles based on the keyword priority instead of using the thread title your members chose.

This can be especially useful if your members have a habit of using less than descriptive thread titles.
My hidden private sections like

staff room
admin room

when I click on a thread it takes me to a vbulletin image rather than the thread.
Please try re-downloading the product, re-uploading the files and then clear your cache via the DBSEO AdminCP :)
The Vbulletin image is still appearing when I click a thread in a private section


Fillip H. I was getting a lot of errors and duplicates with VBSEO in Google Webmaster- thats one of the reasons I bought DBSEO.

I added this to my robot.txt due to the errors with VBSEO.

What do you reccomend allowing/disallowing?

Disallow: /boxingforum/newthread.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/newreply.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/showpost.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/printthread.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/member.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/memberlist.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/calendar.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/sendmessage.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/subscription.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/search.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/report.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/misc.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/register.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/login.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?page
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?sort
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?order
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?pp
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?daysprune
Disallow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?do
# Allow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php?f=
# Allow: /boxingforum/forumdisplay.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?mode
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?goto
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?post
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?page
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?pp
Disallow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?p
# Allow: /boxingforum/showthread.php?t=
# Allow: /boxingforum/showthread.php
Disallow: /boxingforum/profile.php?do
# Allow: /boxingforum/profile.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/showprofile.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/announcement.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/faq.php
# Allow: /boxingforum/index.php
Last edited:
This is the contents of our robots.txt file:
User-agent: Yandex
Disallow: /

User-agent: AhrefsBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google 
Allow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /ajax.php
Disallow: /calendar.php
Disallow: /cron.php
Disallow: /editpost.php
Disallow: /global.php
Disallow: /inlinemod.php
Disallow: /joinrequests.php
Disallow: /login.php
Disallow: /memberlist.php
Disallow: /misc.php
Disallow: /moderator.php
Disallow: /newattachment.php
Disallow: /newreply.php
Disallow: /newthread.php
Disallow: /online.php
Disallow: /postings.php
Disallow: /printthread.php
Disallow: /private.php
Disallow: /profile.php
Disallow: /register.php
Disallow: /report.php
Disallow: /reputation.php
Disallow: /search.php
Disallow: /sendmessage.php
Disallow: /showgroups.php
Disallow: /subscription.php
Disallow: /threadrate.php
Disallow: /usercp.php
Disallow: /usernote.php
Disallow: /forumon.php
Disallow: /vbshop.php
Disallow: /dbt_rq.php
Disallow: /tripletriad.php
Disallow: /vbdownloads.php
Disallow: /vbquiz.php
Disallow: /vbmail.php
Disallow: /projectsearch.php
Disallow: /arcade.php
Disallow: /thanks.php
Disallow: /vboptimisesites.php
Disallow: /credits.php
Disallow: /vbanalytics.php
Disallow: /usertag.php
I am unable to replicate this issue on your forum. Please PM me a link to a thread on your forum affected by this issue.
Thats because I turned it off.

Several members were unable to log into the forum, I was wondering why it went quiet all of a sudden.

If you turn it back on and go into the admin room or staff room you will see the issue with every single thread.
I uploaded a potential hotfix to your site, please confirm that threads are accessible for you now.
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