
New member

I didn't know where to post my questions so I am posting in the off-topic section.

I am running vBExperience 4.0.3 on my VBulletin forum 4.0.6. I am thinking of starting a paying to post kind of contest on my forum that uses vBExperience.

But I am having a few problems and wish to clarify/troubleshoot some problems:

1. When a member's posts are deleted (soft-deleted to be precise), their vBExperience points don't seem to deduct. The number of points stays the same. Any help/troubleshooting method?

2. Is there a way to reset only a selected few members' vBExperience points?

3. The "Give Away Points" feature does give away points to a certain member. But those points are not deducted from the sender and not added in the receiver's vBExperience points. Any method to fix this?

4. How can I enable my moderators/staff to use the custom method and manually add/deduct points from members' points?

5. In the "Give Away Points" feature, is there a way a member can also enter an optional message to the person he is sending to?

6. Is there a way to limit post/new thread points from being given in certain sections of the forum?

Also, I have been trying to install a Facebook Connect mod similar to the one that is installed on DragonByte-Tech. But whenever I try to install it on my forum, it gives me errors. Does anyone know of a working, error-free Facebook Connect mod that I may install on my VBulletin 4.0.6 forum? Is there a link to such a mod that I may have?

Furthermore, is there a Thanks mod for vBulletin 4.0.6 that has a feature in a user's cpanel to see who thanked which post? I have a Thanks mod installed but the members can't see who thanked which one of their posts. And is there a way that the Thanks mod can be compatible with vBExperience so that thanking and receiving thanks for a post increases the vBExperience points?

Looking forward to a reply.

Thank you,

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vBExperience 4 Mod Version: 4.0.3, is a product by another person, we here at DBTech have the mod vBActivity & Awards v2.0 I would ask that at vBulletin under the thread for that mod!
vbActivity with the Like/Thanks Mod that does DBTech would let you do what you want, along with vbCredits... The Lite versions cover most of the bases you have need of, so you could try them to see you think before upgrading to the Pro version if you wished to. The Like/Thanks Mod doesn't have an import for the other Thanks Mod in Lite mode, but does in Pro version (On my to buy list...).