Legacy Expand menu to show buttons

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I would like to see a function to expand and shows the buttons...

i mean, it is a waste of space to use spaces to show the buttons between posts.

it could be more useful to contract this space and add a function to expand it when user wants.


think it, the showthread could be visually more cleaner :)
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We will offer an option to integrate it with the signature area in the future :)

the location should be hard studied

i mean, i suggest you to allow members from this forum to try the new location in order to know if it is comfortable

pd: any plans to release a new version of this mod near the future? i mean, maybe before the end of the year?
the location should be hard studied

i mean, i suggest you to allow members from this forum to try the new location in order to know if it is comfortable

pd: any plans to release a new version of this mod near the future? i mean, maybe before the end of the year?

At the moment we only have a schedule for the next 3 months or so, there are no major updates for any of Fillip H.;s products in there but the last 3 months of the year are likely to be mostly major updates for various products so it's possible it'll be in there =)

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