Legacy Classifieds and Featured Items Request - Random - Java ?

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Hi Mokonzi,

Regarding the classifieds featured items adverts (thumbnails) that show on the main forums.

When you only have a few items showing then it is fine to be a static set of items.

However we at the moment have around 10 and it's not quite fair on the newer listings as they do not get any forum views (forumhome, showthread,etc).

It would be nice if you could add a SHOW RANDOM FEATURED and SHOW RANDOM CLASSIFIEDS buttons on the Advert Settings page. so that all my members that have a featured or classified listing a fair shot at getting there add exposed, not sure how it would effect performance though...

I know you at the very beginning had a javascript advert and it was problematic, if that was fixed or a new version that would be great too.

A quick example would be we have a member who is selling some water cooled graphics card, but his item will never get on the main advert banner :(

Thanks Mokonzi, I hope that made sense :)

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I'll look into how we might go about this... from what I hear... random never works well with computers... but we'll work something in. :D
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