Donation - Problem with MY paypal

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Hey peeps.

Was just trying to make a donation but there is a problem with my paypal that happens from time to time that gives me an error message when trying to use automated payments or through a site etc. I'm stuck with sending to a specific address manually.

I was just wondering if there is a paypal email to send the donation to? If anyone could send it through a PM to me that would be tops :D

That's a strange one, is it a browser specific issue or does it happen on all browsers? Have you tried clearing all cookies in your browser that have to due with PayPal?
That's a strange one, is it a browser specific issue or does it happen on all browsers? Have you tried clearing all cookies in your browser that have to due with PayPal?

To be honest. I've never tried another browser! Will give it a shot now. Weirdest thing is... I purchased the Forum Tabs mod less than 20 minutes before I attempted to donate :P

I'll give it a shot and let you know how I go ;)

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I worked! I just tried in IE (don't know if chrome doesn't work or showing error still, I didn't even attempt this morning!)...

Time to hit that thanks button again!

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Yeah it is probably a browser / cookie issue then, glad it worked in the end though.
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