Question Delete all quiz entries forum-wide, to start anew

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We are uses vBQuiz to create a set of static quizzes tied to a series of tutorials.

Admins and a few users have been beta testing these quizzes, but before launch to all forums members, we would like to erase all the earlier quiz entries.

We have given the admins the right to delete, but it seems like they can only do that one-at-a-time, by going to Quiz Options-->Current Entries and clicking on the "X" beside an entry.

Could we just do the following, or are there database relationships that would be messed up by this?

DELETE FROM vb_dbtech_vbquiz_taken;


DELETE FROM vb_dbtech_vbquiz_taken_answer;
If you want it to be like a fresh install, but with all the quizzes, questions and answers still there, I would do the following

This will remove all entries
reset the quiz taken count and rating
remove all quiz comments
hall of fame
user hall of fame data

TRUNCATE TABLE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_comments;
TRUNCATE TABLE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_hof;
TRUNCATE TABLE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_taken;
TRUNCATE TABLE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_taken_answer;
TRUNCATE TABLE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_rating;
UPDATE vb_dbtech_vbquiz_quiz SET total_entries = 0, avg_rating = '0.0', rating_count = 0;
UPDATE vb_user SET dbtech_vbquiz_lb_score = 0, dbtech_vbquiz_lb_score_avg = 0, dbtech_vbquiz_lb_time = 0, dbtech_vbquiz_lb_quizzes = 0, dbtech_vbquiz_lb_creator = 0;
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