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Below I have attached the error that I am getting.

I have verified that I am infact missing the

grp_dbtech_downloads_filegroup table in my database. I would like to either know the setting that this table requires and I can manually add this table in to the sql database OR find out if there was additional steps that I was supposed to do other than follow the upgrade instructions in the readme.

I upgraded from 1.3.8 to 2.0.0b2 and I am now getting this error message.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:

        SELECT filegroup.*, cat.*, filegroup.image AS image, user.username, user.userid FROM grp_dbtech_downloads_filegroup AS filegroup
        INNER JOIN grp_user AS user ON (user.userid = filegroup.userid)
        LEFT JOIN grp_dbtech_downloads_categories AS cat ON (cat.catid = filegroup.categoryid)
        WHERE filegroup.categoryid = 2
        ORDER BY filegroup.updated DESC;

[B]MySQL Error   : Table 'greenromproject.grp_dbtech_downloads_filegroup' doesn't exist[/B]
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Thursday, March 14th 2013 @ 10:55:14 AM
Error Date    : Thursday, March 14th 2013 @ 10:55:15 AM
Script        :
Referrer      :
IP Address    : XX.XXX.XX.XXX
Username      : Unregistered
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

You need to upload all the files that came with Beta 2 in order to prevent it from accessing old tables :)
I did. Should I remove the ones from before?

My steps:
1.) upload and overwrite all files from Upload file.
2.) import the xml.
Ah, yeah if someone still accesses that URL then that would happen.

You should remove all files that aren't in the download, specifically /dbtech/downloads/actions/listings.php to prevent that particular issue :)
Please ensure your post_max_size and memory_limit is at least twice the size of the biggest file you want to upload.

Since the original issue has been solved, I'll close this thread. If you have any further issues, please start a new thread for them. Thanks!
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