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Tech Dave

New member
hi, my partner whos name on here cc10 bought this software for us.

i have found a bug, when im trying to create a new instance so im able to place it on another page i get this error:-

"A required field called permissions is missing or has an invalid value."

no matter what settings i try on this page it gives out the same error.

i have tried this on the 5.4.4 version and also the 5.4.4 pl2,

basically im wanting to create this new instance so im able to place the
{vb:raw show.vbshout_instance2} as ive called it instance2, on our modcp/ page.

i have tried calling it different names aswell but thats all i get.

many thanks
Actually his name on here is John Craftycarping Oliver

I still have the acp login info for that site if Fillip H. needs it

I can try to set up a new instance if ya want me to?
OK I see the instance permissions and the bbcode permissions are missing.

I also see you have Suhosin installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBShout to work correctly.

If you encounter this issue, you can work around this by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:

php_flag suhosin.cookie.encrypt Off
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 2048
php_value suhosin.get.max_vars 2048
php_value 2048

These are the values vBulletin Support Staff suggest.

Try that and let me know when you are finished.
Hmmm ok then Fillip H. will have to look into it for you when he get's a free moment.
ok many thanks for looking, i have been through all the settings an have admins ability for everything.

i have created a room for now so that selected groups only can view.
Re-download and re-upload the files from the Customer Area (on the correct account, please try to post on the correct account in the future :)).
hey Fillip H., The_Don is my techy and knows hat he talking about, where as i dont lol is it not possible for him to post for me if needed as he will be str8 to the point where as i will blabber on lol


i also have username cc10 on here but just click through fb connect as its easier lol ? so can he use the cc10 account ?
DBT is looking in to a way to have the ability to set other DBTech accounts as linked to a license for support for instances like this.

Their is no time frame as to when or if this will be implemented.
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
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Customer rating
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings