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For whatever reason, I can't upload a file to save my life.

I keep getting this error:


While I know i have the allowed bandwidth, the settings are shown below as info.

That is a server issue. In addition to the vB settings, the allowed size of the attachments depends on the PHP and MySQL configuration. You may need to check and change the upload size for both PHP and for MySQL. Note, you'll need to have root access to the server to do this (or have your host do it.) Make these changes to php.ini:

upload_max_filesize = xM

..and my.cnf (or my.ini for Windows systems)


Change it to the size ('x') you want in Megabytes. Restart the webserver and MySQL after making these changes.

Note: Do NOT use MB, just M for the megabytes setting.

You may also need to increase the memory_limit, max_execution_time and max_input_time variables in php.ini.
ClutchThese I believe it is your max execution time, yours is at 30 seconds which means, This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parser. So I believe it is timing out

I would change that setting to 240 seconds at least, on my server it is set to 7200 seconds.
Change the max input time also, This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST, GET and file uploads.
omg, this is so annoying.

That still didn't work. Could i have my extensions wrong? i have the limit on them at max (4gb).
I guess you are going to have to contact your host with a support ticket, and explain to them what is going on then, they may have some restrictions set elsewhere.
I finally figured out the problem. Sorry for such a late reply to this. It was the PHP max post size. It was at 8m and i bumped it up to a gb. Now all is well! Thanks to Ozzy47 for all his help. I love this mod, so i'm even more pleased that it is working correctly on my board now.

That is all! :)
Well I am glad ya finally got it sorted, and ya know I will help out whenever I can. :cool:
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