Legacy Ban someone from using some (all) buttons

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I have a member who is spamming someone with "dislike" on every single post he is making. Is this possible to to ban a member from using some (all) buttons? If not, is this something that is plan to be added?

It would be nice to be able to add a list of userid (or username) that cant use some option, even if the usergroup is allowed to do so.
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Good Idea :) sebasdess

but for now...
Manage Buttons --> Click Limitation The number of clicks per day allowed.

Or better yet...

Perhaps place them in a new usergroup then...
Manage Buttons --> use Permissions for xxx usergroup
Good Idea :) sebasdess

but for now...
Manage Buttons --> Click Limitation The number of clicks per day allowed.

Or better yet...

Perhaps place them in a new usergroup then...
Manage Buttons --> use Permissions for xxx usergroup

Yep, meanwhile, I may create another usergroup. However, I already have a "no private message" usergroup for some spammers and others specific usergroup as well. So I dont want to start to create tons of usergroup like "no private message + no advanced thx you", "group Y but no advanced thx you", etc, etc.

And limiting the numbers of click per day is not really a solution, as if I put a max. number of click per day, some users will still spam posts with dislike, but others will be limited even if they use the system correctly.

So I see only 2 solutions:
1- Have an option to desactivate button for specifics users.
2- Have a maximum number of click against one specific visitors (ex: you can't give more than x click/day at one person message).
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