Question Another question for the rights

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Good morning,

after I release some games only for VIP's, I would like to assign to the remaining games following right. On the day on which the members want to play these remaining games, they should have written at least three posts.

If they want to play the next day, they should write on this day back at least three posts, before they can play.

is this feasible? if so, how should I set the right?

Do I have to choose the other games as well, or is it enough that they have been hired in the vip games than "can view"? They should have written after the three posts, so do not get access to the vip games.

I hope you understand what I mean, because my english is very poor. So I understand the right to award descriptions, unfortunately, not very well and I want to make no errors.

Thank you and have a nice day.
You can use vBulletin's Promotions feature to promote people with 3 posts to your VIP usergroup :)

the vip status is costly and I would like that the other members every day where they want to play certain games need to write at least three posts.

So, today I can play, if I write three posts and tomorrow again until three posts before I can play the exact same games.
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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