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We are seeing a bunch of strange behaviors that we can't figure out.

1. paychecks: they do not seem to be working properly. We have configured the paychecks to pay a specific user group once per day. However it is hitting some users many many (over 100) times in a day in some instances, 4 in another day, some days it misses, doesn't seem to follow any rhyme or reason. We have even configured maximum events per interval and it still hitting people wildly.

2. Activity event: people are getting credits every time they refresh a page. We have deleted the activity event that was there but it is still giving people credits for a page refresh....very odd.

3. It seems to be giving out credits for shouts but we don't have any activity amounts configured for that action.

We do use vBAA, vBShop, vBArcade,etc.

Please help as the mod is giving out credits at a ridiculous pace no matter what we do.

If you're integrating vBAA with vBCredits, making them use the same currency, you should turn off vBCredits events for the events found in vBAA.

vBAA depends on its events in order to correctly calculate activity level, and the required data does not get generated by vBCedits. Likewise, vBCredits has advanced negation possibilities ensuring that points are taken away as needed.

For this reason, it's not recommended to integrate the two.

As for the other two issues, do you have Mass Apply Daily Actions turned on in vBCredits options?
Defining a currency in vBCredits that uses dbtech_vbactivity_points as its points field.

As mentioned above, this is strongly not recommended, as vBActivity was not designed to be used as a currency provider - we simply made it so that doing so didn't reduce a person's activity level.
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