Bug WinCache errors with DB Seo and VB Optimize together on vB 3.8.x

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I just purchased DB SEO for vB 3.8 and I'm already using your vB Optimize plugin as well. I have the optimize plugin configured to use WinCache, but DBSEO keeps giving me errors with WinCache. Here's what the error message is:

Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore_WINCACHE' not found in C:\inetpub\vhosts\[domainremoved].com\httpdocs\dbtech\dbseo\includes\class_core.php on line 140

vB Optimize worked just fine before, but DBSeo does not appear to work with WinCache.

I am running DB Seo v1.2.5 and VB Optimize v2.6.0b4

I have had to disable for now until I can get this sorted. Please advise.

Please remove vB_Datastore_WinCache from your config.php file as it's not supported. vB does not provide that datastore method, and vB Optimise does not need it in order to function.
Out of the list of cache options supported by vBulletin and vB Optimize, which do you recommend for users on Windows servers?
XCache is probably the best all-round cacher at this time, though you're literally only the second person I've heard of that runs Windows servers for PHP apps, so I have no information on whether it's supported on Windows.
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