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Well my tech guy is not responding right now, so I am unable to know for sure. He comes and goes.

It appears he edited the class_bbcode.php and class_bbcode_mail.php files under the /includes folder. Would either of those have anything to do with vBMail?

It does not appear he edited any style templates within vBulletin AdminCP.
Are you able to use a comparison software to get the exact edits?

If not, no worries. We can wait for him to get back :)
He goes away for months at a time. Sick with cancer. I just happened to catch him in a helping mood.

The class_bbcode_mail.php file appears to be a duplicate of the class_bbcode.php file. The class_bbcode.php file has no changes from the original, but the class_bbcode.mail.php changes the following line:

$text = $this->parse_whitespace_newlines($text, $do_nl2br);


//$text = $this->parse_whitespace_newlines($text, $do_nl2br);

Basically just commenting it out.

Then... I found in your upload/dbtech/vbmail/actions/mailinglists.php file that he modified the following to call up class_bbcode_mail.php instead of class_bbcode.php:

require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');


require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_mail.php');

I just did not catch the mailinglists.php file earlier, but I knew if he created a near duplicate of a file that he was going to make something in your files call up that new file instead of the original vb file.
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