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Hey Hybrid,

I'll install the latest version of vBSEO and see if I can replicate this issue, if I remember right you're using vBulletin 3.8? :)
Hybr!d - I've just installed the latest vBSEO version on my localhost and guest caching doesn't seem to be colliding with the URL rewrites. If you check your plugins they should have a specific execution order:

vBO: Guest Caching / Finalise CDN Integration - 65535
vBSEO Global Hook - 5

If your vBO hook for "global_complete" is 5 or less, set it higher then clear cache to test again, this way vBSEO will parse rewrite rules before vB Optimise caches the output which would otherwise create the problem you're describing.
vBO: Guest Caching / Finalise CDN Integration

Does not exist.


vBO: Guest Caching

does, that is 65535 so ok.

vbseo one is 15
Here what happens. Links to last post on forum home change;

cache disabled


cache enabled


I have to disable cache and flush it to get the issue to disappear.

Any idea?
If your vBO hook for "global_complete" is 5 or less

You mean vbseo?

Tried making it 50, no change.
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Hey Hybr!d, those values seem fine for execution order - and it looks like vBSEO is still re-writing urls when guest caching is served but they differ slightly for you, this is not something I'm setting on my local installation, this is testing the "Last Post" link as a guest, the first one is with cache flushed, and the 2nd being delivered through guest cache:

My vBSEO install is pretty much all default, all I've changed is the Forum URLs rewrite to 002 (Hierarchic directory type URLs with content relevant threads (used at so they match your format, unless you're using a different one or some other specific rewrite settings that aren't default?
Hmm, I can't seem to replicate this at all, you can try adjust "vBO: Guest Caching" to execution 1 to see if that works but it'd be weird if it did.
Hmm perhaps this isn't releant to guest caching then, since that only ever executes for guests, never a member. Can you tell me where the link is that's changing? (What page it's on, like forum display etc..)
It only does it when i enable guest caching, issue goes when i disable, this is for logged in members. Location is forum home.
Interesting although weird, guest caching won't do anything when a member is logged in.

One thing I did notice is as a member the URLs for "Last Post" are formatted like this:

Note the postid in the first part and last, this is the same even if I completely disable vB Optimise, so it looks like your 2nd url is how it should be. Can you confirm if you disable vB Optimise the URLs never change? Also after disabling use vB Optimise's Flush Cache feature and check again - if vBSEO is using the same Caching operator as vB Optimise, vBO will also flush cache set by vBSEO (which is automatically flushed when you adjust settings/plugins/etc.. in the acp).
You're right, if i enable guest caching, last post urls act as they should, so it seems with it disabled they are displaying different to how they are set in vbseocp, i guess it doesnt really matter anyway, it all works either way really, just thought it was a bug when really it isnt. Thanks.
So we're fixing instead of breaking, that's new! Although I still can't replicate myself, but all good it seems :)

Let me know if you have any further questions/issues!
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