Bug Unconfirmed donations spam

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So recently I noticed that if a user clicks the submit button on the contribution page it adds him to the unconfirmed donations list instantly so, if he would press the button like 10 times it would spam the list :(

So, is there any way around this ?
Nope, that is a intended feature. Only thing you could do is if a user continues to do it, put them in a usergroup that does not have access to the mod.
Couldn't there be an option that if a user already has a donation open that he can't open more donotions and he is only added to the Unconfirmed donations List if he started a payment through pp and not when he presses the button on the site ?
No that would not work, for quite a few different reasons, main one being, lets say I clicked on the contribute button. I did not go through PayPal to complete the contribution. A bit later I decide, hey I want to contribute but now I can't cause of the open contribution. I would then have to contact the admin to see what the problem is.

Unconfirmed contributions can be cleared from the list and in no way affects anything in the mod.
No that would not work, for quite a few different reasons, main one being, lets say I clicked on the contribute button. I did not go through PayPal to complete the contribution. A bit later I decide, hey I want to contribute but now I can't cause of the open contribution. I would then have to contact the admin to see what the problem is.

Unconfirmed contributions can be cleared from the list and in no way affects anything in the mod.

Hmm, I'm talking about that it only adds the user when he started a payment. (If he doesn't do it he can do again as he didn't start one :P)
If you have the pro version, does the user still get his usergroup and gets confirmed it you clear them ?
No won't add the user when he starts the payment with PayPal, as there in nothing PayPal does to communicate that. Only time PayPal will attempt to communicate with your site is when the payment actually goes through them fully.

If you have the pro version, does the user still get his usergroup and gets confirmed it you clear them ?

Not exactly sure what you mean, could you explain a bit more.
No won't add the user when he starts the payment with PayPal, as there in nothing PayPal does to communicate that. Only time PayPal will attempt to communicate with your site is when the payment actually goes through them fully.

Not exactly sure what you mean, could you explain a bit more.
Does the user who donated still get the confirmation and the new user group when the payment is completed, if you delete him from the unconfirmed list ?
If a user has unconfirmed contributions, those in no way reflect and confirmed contributions. So if user "A" has 5 unconfirmed contributions, and 1 confirmed contribution, and has been put into the new group, removing the unconfirmed contributions change nothing.
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