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Transferring between two currencies.

I have 2 currencies configured. The first one is the credits included. The second I setup from a custom field. When I transfer from one currency to the other I want the amount transferred to be deducted from the source currency but this doesn't seem to happen. Instead, the other currency is just given more and the other one retains its value.
Maybe my issue is different.

I have 2 currencies setup. When I transfer from one currency to the other I want the source currency to have the amount transferred deducted from it. I can't seem to make this work though.
My settings work fine, and this is how I have it. For each currency I want to transfer between (points and credits on my forum) I have the following Events in the vBCredits system:

Transfer (This is the Event type).
Currency (one for each type of currency)
Charge for Action = No
Transfer Amount and Currency Amount = 0
Affected Participant = Sending User

This works for me. The option for an exchange rate is there in the Pro version, though I've not yet bothered with this (in the end).
CheeSie - apply the update from this friday (1.1.0) and see if that improves it for you.

Everyone else, who are just posting in this thread without reading my previous response, here it is :) :

Go to the event manager and at the bottom select to create a donate event. On the form just pick the currency you want, and save it (you can tweak it later for more powerful effects if desired, but thats all thats needed to enable it). Repeat for any additional currencies. If you want to enable transferring between currencies with yourself, do the same process except using the Transfer event.

Hey m8, I've done exactly as you describe and I only have one currency (credits) but I still get the alertbox saying "Transferring of this currency has not been configured". Read on about others having the same issue, are you 100% sure that this is all that is required? Because it really doesn't work for me. Running v1.1.0 on vb 3.8.4 patch 2.
Many thanks to Darkwaltz4 for helping me. I'm Squall Leonhart from My problem is that I want to donate my currency to another member and I set Donate event like this:
Active: Yes
Currency: Deuro (name of my only currency)
Usergroups: All
Charge for Action: No
Donate Amount: 0
Currency Amount: -0.1
Affected Participant: Sending user
Minimum Currency: 10

But in reallity, when I donate 100 Deuro to another member, I get the error "Sorry, you need 110 Deuro to do this Donate" but in my account, I have 34,000 Deuro.

So could you please give me your advise what I'm wrong in setup?
There were some bugs with transferring which has been fixed in the pro v2.0.0 and will be ported to the lite version this friday.
Also, the taxation instructions have been cleared up to make more sense when currency is involved. It has also had those messages about minimums cleaned up.

squall, do you mind waiting until friday to see if the updates fix it for you? i dont want to debug it right now because it was a lot of big changes (and a large bug). if it does not work for you then, you can reply here and we can go from there.
Any news from this?

I was on 3.8.5 board and upgraded today on vB 4 so I would really like to use vBcredits 2 deluxe but right now it seems a hell lot complicated, :S

Also, Darkwaltz, what about us that we had the purchase credits via PayPal, is it available in here or at least is there a version for vB4

I created the "events" and i still get the error where the currency is not configured
I am backporting the 2.0.0 pro version into the newest lite upgrade. It will fix this issue.

The paypal support is only in the pro version, so if you wanted that you could fix the transfer issue right away along with it.
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