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There is a bug in the transfer system where if you spam click the submit button, the event happens multiple times allowing members to exploit the feature to gain more credits than they should.
Can you paste a screenshot of your Transfer event. Sure you arent confusing that with the Adjust system?
I will try and get screenshots of the transfer event shortly, but to better explain:

We have two currencies set up, one that is awarded for activity such as posting and rating, the other is paid for in real money. Here are the settings -

Activity Points
Can only transfer from
100 minimum set on the event, prevent the action if below minimum
0.04 relative value

Player Points
Can only transfer to
1 relative value

In the picture you can see the screen where players are able to transfer their points from one type to another. If after they have entered an amount they currently possess, if they spam the submit button, the transfer event will happen multiple times allowing them to unfairly duplicate their points. I have tested this and it is easily reproducible.
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