Bug Slowdowns when pulling members pages.

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Hi Fillip H., the members pages load super slow when I have the like system enabled, when I disable it then the load speed is much faster. The difference is day and night. :(
I don't believe I'm able to optimise the member profile page any further than I already did with v3 with the knowledge I possess today :(

If it's an issue for you, I suggest you disable the member_build_blocks_start hook for APTL - that will kill the profile block.
I don't believe I'm able to optimise the member profile page any further than I already did with v3 with the knowledge I possess today :(

If it's an issue for you, I suggest you disable the member_build_blocks_start hook for APTL - that will kill the profile block.

I see, it's probably why vBSEO had it disabled due to scalability.
Now, if I disable the memberblock, would members still be able to access likes directly when they get a notification? (example: The 47 Ronin Squad)

Edit: NVM, even being disabled we still have slowdowns. :(
Try re-downloading and re-uploading the files - a week or so ago I made a hotfix to the showthread integration that should improve performance on those pages.

If its only the profile pages slowing down then the cause is not APTL as the code does not run on the profile once that hook has been disabled.
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