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We actually had a lengthy internal discussion over the merits of such a thing.

Basically, it boils down to the games being closed systems - no way to edit them, plus the vast majority of owners wont really know who to pass along an error report to.

So, it wont matter what was wrong with the game, other than it seems broken, so the only possible workflow is "alert its broken" > "remove game", and we figured that should happen rare enough that the admin should have noticed upon install, or someone can post it.

There shouldnt be any questionable content to report (since its not peer-supplied) so didnt seem worth adding a dedicated UI control, much less a whole submission form handling routine, for reporting a game.

What do you think of that?
I think you're right, but only up to a point.

What about people that import 1000 games at once? Odds are the admin isn't going to check them all (whether they should or not). You also have the issue with comments being posted, there could be issues there that you might want to be able to report as well, so you'd need the mechanics there anyway. So, I still think it's a good idea to add it in, just maybe doesn't have to be right now.
I too feel it would be a plus to have it, like Trekkan said, importing 100's or1000's of games at a time, no one would notice it till it is played.

Maybe have it to where when someone clicks on the link it posts a post in a forum the admin set up for such a purpose.
Make it a 'pro' feature!

The reason behind my suggestion was ib games have many versions and not all work, the link would provide the game itself and easily find it in ACP delete it and hunt for another version or similar.

ib game tar names are not the best named where hunting Down the game and matching it was rather finicky!
So, report a game would be used to report game issues or discussion issues? I could probably get behind that.

i dont think that makes sense as a pro thing, though at this point pro features are as of yet undecided
report game is in the next beta (it replaces the edit game link to the right of the instructions box if you are a nonadmin)
I am a little confused on the report game link, I have tried this several times and the only thing it does (unless I am missing something) is links you back to the forums. I have looked for an option in the ACP to set up the report game link, but did not see anything there. Is this the way it is designed to work ? I was assuming that if someone clicked on the report game, that it would either send an alert to staff letting them know there was a reported game (for whatever reason) or that it would make a post in the forum for games that were reported.

Am I missing something ?
It is not fully implimented yet, it will be in the upcoming beta, he only added the text link in the last beta, to replace edit game which admins see.
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