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Alisa Lindsay

I am pretty sure both of these errors are Operator in I missed uploading a file or put a file in the wrong place (oy veh!). I am already whining for help.

Error #1 (print out below) occurs when I am in My Profile/Edit Settings and click on Save. This happens whether I have changed fields or not. I'm putting it in a code box 'cause it's long and ugly.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
    ### Bitfield: user.dbtech_vbshout_settings ###
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 2048, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 2048),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 32, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 32),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 64, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 64),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 1, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 1),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 2, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 2),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 4, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 4),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 16, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 16),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 8, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 8),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 4096, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 4096),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 128, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 128),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 512, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 512),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 1024, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 1024),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 8192, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 8192, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 16384, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 16384, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 32768, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 32768, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
        dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 65536, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 65536, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
    dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea = 'default',
    dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize = 0,
    dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached = 0,
    dbtech_vbshout_displayorder = 'a:1:{i:1;a:3:{s:11:\"shoutnotifs\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"systemmsgs\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"shoutreports\";s:0:\"\";}}'
WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error   : Unknown column 'dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Wednesday, May 12th 2010 @ 11:43:37 PM
Error Date    : Wednesday, May 12th 2010 @ 11:43:38 PM
Script        :
Referrer      :
Username      : Jericho Cain
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-24+lenny3

Error # 2 is on the Unhandled Reports tab. It takes me to a blank page with this message... Again, I'm sure the issues are with *points at self and sighs*, but I've driven myself gray-er looking for it.

[B]Not Found[/B]

 The requested URL /vbshout.php was not found on this server.
  Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny6 with Suhosin-Patch Server at Port 80

Thanks ahead of time for your superb aid and assistance.

Warmest Regards,

First error looks as if the XML file didn't install correctly - did you download and install the v5.2 XML file?

2nd error is that you uploaded the files incorrectly - did you upload the contents of the /upload folder, and not the upload folder itself?
If the XML = where we install the "product" in our Admin CP... that's a yes. However, I may have injured it somehow. I'm good at that. Will it break it to "uninstall" from Admin CP and reinstall?

I'm pretty sure I uploaded ONLY the contents file, however, I will check that file again.

Thanks for the help!

No you won't break it if you uninstall and re-install it. and yes thats where you upload it through "manage products" in the ACP. :)
If the XML = where we install the "product" in our Admin CP... that's a yes. However, I may have injured it somehow. I'm good at that. Will it break it to "uninstall" from Admin CP and reinstall?
Nope, hopefully that'll fix it. If not, just post back and I'll say what's needed to fix it :)

When you install though, do you see "Updating to version 5.2.0" on there? If not, that could be the answer.

I'm pretty sure I uploaded ONLY the contents file, however, I will check that file again.
Okay :)

Thanks for the help!
No probs :)
Problem 1 was solved by uninstalling and reinstalling the XML. On to problem 2.

Problem 2 still exists... here is the location of my vbshout.php file....


Could you tell me where it really needs to kind! LOL
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vBshout.php should go in the main root folder of your forums if i'm not mistaken (where you have index.php and all the rest that are not in any folders.)

in this case: /home/test/public_html/vBshout.php

that will fix the issue, however just double check that all your other vBshout files are uploaded in the correct folders just to be on the safeside, if it doesn't work either myself or Fillip H. will happily install it for you.
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And fixed that! Other than the report page looking funky with my custom skin, 'tis all good. I might take that selection off the tabs.

Personally, I think I still have some files in the wrong places, but not sure it's worth battling since I'll be doing a totally clean install when I move from the test site to the live site.
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Help Needed After All

Okay, I'm badgered. :(

I think I still have a few gremlins and I think it's my install not your product. If someone could tell me what is needed for them to take a look? I really need to sort this mod and Infopanels on the test box so I have a good guide when I add them to the live box.

Apologies yet again for having to ask! I am technically challenged on a good day. :D Writer, not technician.

Thanks and Regards,

Very minor things overall, just bits and pieces that don't seem to work as they should. Like I disabled the "go idle" feature but it is still showing "me" idle constantly. The unhandled reports tab has the skin scattered all over the place (which MIGHT be the skin not the product - or my hashed up installation)... Sounds aren't working...again without knowing if I totally bodgered the install, I don't know if it's a computer setting or my mangled attempts at installation. So...until I know that portion on both mods was done correctly, I don't know what bits are just my settings/browser/computer errors. If it's installed right and I KNOW it's installed right, then I can narrow down other conflicts, like my custom mod, etc. Does that make any sense?


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I disabled the "go idle" feature but it is still showing "me" idle constantly

There are 2 places to check for idle issues....
1. Instance Management - Edit Permissions - Can Auto Idle
2. DragonByte Tech: vBShout - Look & Feel Options - set "Idle Timeout" to 0

The unhandled reports tab has the skin scattered all over the place

This might be a skin issue...does it work well with the default vBulletin skin?

Sounds aren't working

You need to have Quicktime Plugin installed for sounds to work
#1 fixed, I missed the other setting.
#2 Might still be just the skin. The other skins seem okay so I am going to disable the one funky skin for now.
#3 Sounds: Works for one of my test users who is on Windows/Firefox. Does not work for me on my Mac/Firefox. I do have QuickTime enabled and installed although I will check for updates.

Bingo! The disconnect is somewhere in Firefox / Mac. Safari sounds work. Unfortunately, I don't like using Safari because when I open posts in any forums for editing, they are all displayed as HTML or BB Coded and run together...not sure that makes sense, but it's a nightmare for post editing.
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