Question How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version?

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How to remove <div class="smallfont"></div> from the footer of Branding Free version?

I'd like to remove the following code added site-wide to the very bottom of my footer by vB Optimise Pro:

<div class="smallfont"></div>

What do I need to edit? I suspect it likely is within a PHP file.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

If I go to:

AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager

and if I disable:

vBO: Start Guest Caching

then the <div class="smallfont"></div> is no longer in my footer.

What would I need to edit to remove the small piece of unnecessary code from my footer?

If I disable HTML clean up in vBSEO, I get the commented out stuff:

<div class="smallfont">[COLOR=#008000]<!--VBOCR-->[/COLOR]</div>

I'm guessing this is related to the VBO Credits that would normally be displayed in the footer if I didn't have Branding Free option. However, I'd like to remove the remaining code. What should I edit, please?
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Upon further investigation it appears that it's not possible to edit it, sorry :(

Out of curiosity, why does it matter if an empty div that does nothing is there? Does it interfere with your skin in some way?
Fillip H., no, it doesn't interfere with anything, but I'd love to remove it, since it is an unneeded line of code that appears on every page of my forum. I'm in the process of going through my forum, and removing all the code that is unnecessary, purely for optimization reasons. Every byte, and every millisecond, counts.

Please, let me know if there's anything that could be done...

Any help would be much appreciated!
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