How to disable annoying blog comments notification globally?

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It's getting annoying that shoutbox is getting filled with all those blog comments notifications, is there anyway I can disable this feature globally i-e for all the members? right now only individual members can turn on/off notification feature from their usercp :S

any help will be appreciated.

Disable the Blog Comment Notification and Blog Post Notification plugins from the plugin manager.
I find that this feature has increased participation ten fold in the blogs. sounds like your blogs are going good to for this to be annoying. Has your blogs always been great?
Disable the Blog Comment Notification and Blog Post Notification plugins from the plugin manager.

Thanks for the solution mate :)

I find that this feature has increased participation ten fold in the blogs. sounds like your blogs are going good to for this to be annoying. Has your blogs always been great?

All I can say, they are not that great (other than few) but yeah they are active!

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