Help With 2 how too.....


The first is how too reduce the space marked in image below.


Second assuming the above can be done how do i re align the text as marked?, and how too i change replies/views etc to my own words? See image below.

Is the first screenshot from the forum home, or show thread?

Where is the second screenshot from?
Ok I assume that is a custom style, if you pm me a admin account I can see if there is anything that can be done with it.
thank you, just one of those things, if they made it so it was even at lease evenly spaced it would be ok but i think its ugly when not sitting right and just niggles at you. Maybe i have OCD
Yeah I don't think it can be done with just a few simple edits, I think the best way to get it a bit smaller is to edit the stylevar, body_padding and change the right & left values from 20 to 100 or so, what that does is shrinks the entire thing down a bit. Only other think I can suggest is to go looking for another style tat may be close to what you are looking for.