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Dear all,

I have currently purchased and installed this product and having issues with German umlauts. The ö,ä,ü,ß are showing up as Chat-text, no issue there, but in the sticky, in the users-name and in commands (like close = Schließen) its showing as "?"-charakter.

Can you please help to fix it. Thanks :)

EDIT: By the way, its not an issue with the database, the collation is correct and e.g. the sticky-text in there ok as well, so it should be something in the code of the product, that is not doing it properly then.
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Can you tell me what encoding you are using in your language and your database?

The two will need to match in order for AJAX submitted text to work properly.

You may find that setting the sticky using the /sticky command could also produce these invalid characters if this is indeed the issue :)
Hmm in that case I'll need FTP access to see it in action. Could you please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account? :)
Please be so kind and publish the reason (maybe a solution) for the issue.
I can report the same phenomenon with german vb4.1.12.
It should now be fixed, you can re-download and re-upload /dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_core.php and it should work :)
Sticky and Commands are working now, thanks for this.. but the usernames still don't work. The umlauts in the username "öÖäÄüÜß" are showing as "��ont>" in the Shoutbox, in the command-box they're fine, so just when they are shouting the username left to the shout isn't correct. Can you fix this too, please :)
I just encountered, when you want to edit a sticky, that has umlauts, these will not be transported to the "edit line" and are strange characters again. Its not very important, but as you just now, which code is needed, maybe you can put that in the needed file as well :)
I have done the upload of course before I posted that :) - so the sticky works, but if you edit it, the strange characters will show up in the line where you edit that sticky. But as said... its not a huge issue ;)
Ahhh... no I got it.. double-clicking on the sticky to edit it works, its only the command /editsticky that has the problem. So you can skip fixing it at least for me ;)
Ah okay, I thought you meant double-clicking :)

/dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_dm_shout.php this time :)
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