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I dunno if this product is still being worked on, but here are a couple of features requests from similar products/sites:

1) List of recent quiz takers and results in a box/sidebar/something.

2) Include the quiz description in the auto-created new quiz thread.

3) For scored quizzes, most quiz software assigns some kind of rank based on the result. 90% = great, 75%= good, 50% = average, 30% = bad etc. QUiz creators could assign those ranks and a descriptive text. EG - 75%: You are an expert. Your knowledge about this subject is comprehensive.

4) Tag cloud. We're creating tags, after all. May as well use 'em!
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I'm not working on it at the moment but it is in the rotation to get another round of features added to it. I've just been real busy and haven't gotten to the apps as fast as I'd like to.

They're all good requests though, I can see adding them in the next version :)
Well, since we're on the subject! More ideas! This is a bit long, feel free to ignore!

5) Include creation of and taking quizzes in the activity stream.

6) Allow quiz creators to test their quizzes without activating them.

7) Stop dividing up areas with dotted lines and squeezing sections into them! The comments section, for example, would look awesome if it was full page width below the the quiz summary page and used vBulletins already designed assets (either forum postbit, or the CMS comment layout, both of which do the job excellently!) The creator options to do stuff like view current results should be full page, too.

8) Allow the creator a little control over the layout of the results, and to add some custom text and images there. Give him BB code to share that.

9) Let the admin switch off all those graphs and things.

10) If there are quiz comments and an automatically created thread, make them the same thing.

11) Allow choice which forum the thread appears in. Stops the admin having to move it to a subject appropriate one afterwards.

12) Widgets. Forum blocks.
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