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Just wanted to point out that has released a new likes system on their site.

They have done a superb job. I like everything about it. Maybe worth heading over there and getting some ideas on how to spruce this one up.
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I just checked it out, not sure how it's any better than DBT's? Seems fairly generic and even the OLD likes system by Abe was more robust. Not trying to be a jerk, I just don't see how it's "superb" at all. =)

The only thing I do like is the location of the button, but as DBT has text in their's and you can make whatever buttons you'd like.. it makes sense where it is. Maybe I'm missing something though and you can shed some light on it?
Also, that like system appears to be a wrapper for the Reputation system, not a dedicated Like mod (at least from hovering over the heart).
1. The location of the button is great. You could choose to have a button or text in that location.
2. They don't have redundant blocks after each post. It only shows the users who liked that post if someone actually likes it. Thus not cluttering up the page.
3. It appears to be fully integrated into the rep system. A superb job. This will make it much more useful to be integrated into other mods.
4. There are settings in it which control how many likes in a day you can give and how often you can like a user before having to like other users.

All in all, they have done a superb job of updating the rep system into a great like syste, while still keeping all the benefts of the rep system.
5. I like where they display the users thanks count in the postbit. Instead of cluttering up things, they display it in the drop down when you click on the username. Nice touch.
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