Bug Error when trying to add new threadmin to thread

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As I played for a bit, I found this bug.

When using postbit username popup, I went to this link (on my forum): http://slobodni.net/userthreads.php?do=threadadmin&action=add&user=94&thread=113337

As you see, it calls for userthreads.php and it works, I see rights (didn't tested if user actually has threadmins rights, but I'll test it later though). On the left side there are two options, I'll copy them here:

Thread Admin Management
Add Thread Admin
Group Admin Management
Add Group Admin

If I try to add threadmin (link is: http://slobodni.net/userthreads.php&do=threadadmin&action=add) I receive this message: Page not found. I guess here I should be able to add new threadmin to this thread (at least it is logical to me). Anyway, this looks like a bug to me.
Well spotted. I'd not commented those out in the code (accidentally) as they will be part of the v2.1 updates. :)
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Legacy Threadmins and Group Moderators

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