
Former Developer
Post below if you would like to be considered for the Downloads System beta testing.

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Count me in! With any luck, this is going to be the solution to what was boding to be a big problem for my site: getting a new downloads database set up that can be separate from and won't break my Downloads II installation. You can bet I'm going to be proposing some features on here.

Once again, DBTech to the rescue!
Having my home computer die an untimely death has really put a crimp in my style. My HD crashed and burned and I discovered my backup to external has been saving 0 byte deltas since April. I have Ubuntu on a secondary HD, but it's giving me fits. Friday I get paid and will get a new copy of Win7 to get this mess all...unmessed. I hope.
Intresting in testing this out. Wanna throw a couple of different sets of downloads at this and see a live user response.
Closed beta will be launching next week, Price to participate will be $59.95 which will include a lifetime license for the product (includes discount on retail price) and only 3 testers will be chosen.

Please re-state your interest if you wish to be considered

Cheers guys,
You apply here, and if the developer (David) chooses you, you will be given instructions on how to purchase =).

The longer you have been a customer and the more pro products you own the more likely you are to be chosen, as it lets us test with the largest possible combination of mods etc.