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These issues will be fixed in the next version :)

I don't have a specific ETA as it depends on how many other bugs are reported and hotfixed in the meanwhile.
Another issue found. I do not like to give chance to guest users to verify and register unless they are invited by a member. So, I tried disabling above options. But now invited users also not able to register as it says "Sorry, this forum is currently only accepting new registrations from invited members." after clicking invitation link. I even tried disabling 1st option and keep 2nd option enable or 1st option enabled and 2nd option disabled. It makes the registration mod useless.

I wish at least DBT will make this mod completely functional.
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I have just uploaded a hotfix that may fix the invite issue for you.

Can you please try re-download and re-upload the files and see if this works for you?
I have just uploaded a hotfix that may fix the invite issue for you.

Can you please try re-download and re-upload the files and see if this works for you?
Sorry, still the same.
I do not want guest users get an option to input their email to verify unless they get an invitation mail from a member of my site.
I want to remove this option and just the registration form will open if someone clicks the invitation link from email.
Here's my config:
Enable Verify Email Before Registration: No
Override Disabled Registrations: No

Enable Invite System: Yes
(Pro) Override Disabled Registrations: Yes

Allow New User Registrations: No

I have this working in v2.0.2 which I will release shortly.
Here's my config:
Enable Verify Email Before Registration: No
Override Disabled Registrations: No

Enable Invite System: Yes
(Pro) Override Disabled Registrations: Yes

Allow New User Registrations: No

I have this working in v2.0.2 which I will release shortly.
Thank you. I will wait for the release.
Another feature will be appreciated. Admin can add or deduct invitation numbers in any member's profile. It will be very nice, admin can reward good members adding them more invitation numbers.
Feature requests should be in their own thread, anything posted in this thread will get buried in time since this is a Fixed bug thread :)
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