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Errors in the product are the same as they were before.

1. don't remove the Сountry Codes - database error


2. Paypal account and address is required, but in our country this payment method (Paypal) is unpopular.

3. The mailing address is optional, without it offer a price and no way to keep track of the goods. Why?

4. I do not see the field values ​​in the menu Specifications, see screenshots


5. Can not create a sub-category "parts" for two different major categories. For example, Category "Audi" -> subcategory "Parts" and Category "Volvo" -> sub-category "Parts". See screen. Really hard to create each category and sub-category of a unique user ID and not to compare the names of the categories on the presence of similar names?

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You do realize it is still in beta, right?
sure enough

while at the same time a buyer who is a beta tester, has a right to wonder why publish a product with such subquality. Nothing personal, we wait for change. To the output Classifieds has been pegged the release of our new project and a new forum, now all postponed.
I just want to respond to the problems and questions in the thread, so I'll take each one individually.

Errors in the product are the same as they were before.

How do you mean as they were before? Have you already reported these errors? If so I'm sorry I missed them... can you point me in the direction of the threads that contain them? It will help me keep track of them better. :)

1. don't remove the Сountry Codes - database error

View attachment 4983

What action had you taken to cause the database error, deleting a Country Code in the AdminCP?

2. Paypal account and address is required, but in our country this payment method (Paypal) is unpopular.

The feature list clearly states that only PayPal is currently supported. We are looking to expand the payment processors during the beta stages. If you have specific suggestions on which payment processors to include support for, please post them and we'll take a look at including them. :)

3. The mailing address is optional, without it offer a price and no way to keep track of the goods. Why?

I assume you mean with the bidding on an auction listing? I've noticed that there is a loop hole in the way a bid is recorded. We left room for digital items not to require an address, but the bid doesn't check this. I'll look at fixing this for the next update.

In a buy-it-now listing it should stop the user from buying if they don't already have an address listed.

User's who are offering an item for the Wanted category don't need an address to send the item to as they aren't receiving the item.

4. I do not see the field values ​​in the menu Specifications, see screenshots

View attachment 4984

The method to populate the specifications for the categories is as follows:

Create Options using the Manage Options (such as Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, etc)
Create Specifications using the Manage Specifications (such as Colour) and then include the options that are relevant (such as Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, etc)
Create Categories using the Manage Categories and then include the specifications you want (such as Colour)

You can do this in any order, but to include new Options, Specifications, etc will mean going back and reediting the Specifications and Categories.

5. Can not create a sub-category "parts" for two different major categories. For example, Category "Audi" -> subcategory "Parts" and Category "Volvo" -> sub-category "Parts". See screen. Really hard to create each category and sub-category of a unique user ID and not to compare the names of the categories on the presence of similar names?

View attachment 4985View attachment 4986

What has user ID to do with creating the Categories? I'm puzzled. :confused:

I can look at removing the restrictions on the title, but in the mean time could you not label the categories like: Parts (Volvo)?

sure enough

while at the same time a buyer who is a beta tester, has a right to wonder why publish a product with such subquality. Nothing personal, we wait for change. To the output Classifieds has been pegged the release of our new project and a new forum, now all postponed.

I just want to repeat again what I said earlier... this has only ever been listed as a beta product. The closed beta stage was a great help in clearing some key issues. This open beta allows for a wider range of testing and also more input from those who choose to get involved and purchase this product at this stage... they can help shape the final release by their feedback and comments. As with all beta releases there will be bugs and issues. We are doing our best to identify and fix these as quickly as we can.

I'm sorry that DragonByte Classifieds has delayed the release of your new project and forum. Your input in this stage will help us be sure of what you are needing so we can look at including them where possible.
I've made the changes to allow the Categories to have identical titles in Beta 10.

I'm also working on the issue of deleting the country codes... I've traced the error and fixed a few associated ones with it as well. Hopefully should be ready for Beta 10. :)
Updated to 1.0.10
I confirm that some errors are gone, thank you for your work and attention
On payment systems, other than paypal: webmoney,, for example. Or simply - empty field where the seller himself fit: how it is more convenient to get the money, for example - the cache when the transfer of goods or transfer Western Union

Just want to say that there is no need to hard-code the scope of the payment system. Sometimes your product Classifieds are just used as an just ads, without intent to sell something online. For example, a Bet at home, I will give away for free. Why should the user in this case paypal account?

I believe the correct way to specify the payment for the goods when creating a Classifieds Listing - drop-down list of values ​​+ one custom field at the discretion of the user.
Updated to 1.0.10
I confirm that some errors are gone, thank you for your work and attention
On payment systems, other than paypal: webmoney,, for example. Or simply - empty field where the seller himself fit: how it is more convenient to get the money, for example - the cache when the transfer of goods or transfer Western Union

Just want to say that there is no need to hard-code the scope of the payment system. Sometimes your product Classifieds are just used as an just ads, without intent to sell something online. For example, a Bet at home, I will give away for free. Why should the user in this case paypal account?

I believe the correct way to specify the payment for the goods when creating a Classifieds Listing - drop-down list of values ​​+ one custom field at the discretion of the user.

Thanks Vicc67. I've been talking over some of the ideas for how we can expand the Payment Processors this past week with Fillip H., so we'll add these into the mix as well and see what we can come up with. :)
More found bugs:

1. Database error when trying to buy a Item or make a bid


2. AdminCP - Classifieds - Manage Options - you can not edit the name of created options (in small letters on large)

another question.

I do not know how it works paypal.
Why in the settings Classifieds merchant field?
I am the owner of Classifieds and get % from Paypal for the transaction of my forum?
Or go through my Paypal account all transactions, and it remains for me %?
How it works in your service?

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More found bugs:

1. Database error when trying to buy a Item or make a bid

I'm looking into a reported issue which I think is the same one. Will get this sorted asap. :)

2. AdminCP - Classifieds - Manage Options - you can not edit the name of created options (in small letters on large)

This is fixed for Beta 11. :)

Thanks for the reports. Can you create separate threads for each type of error you encounter? It makes it easier for me to be sure I've fixed or implemented things... :)

another question.

I do not know how it works paypal.
Why in the settings Classifieds merchant field?
I am the owner of Classifieds and get % from Paypal for the transaction of my forum?
Or go through my Paypal account all transactions, and it remains for me %?
How it works in your service?

The system is here controlling first of all whether it is possible to use that payment processor. The merchant ID isn't required for that. However... if you want to collect fees on items via PayPal, then you would need to enter the merchant ID (in this case an email address associated with your own account in PayPal) that would be the recipient of fees paid by the Classifieds users.

Does that make more sense?

Edit: Users need to manually add their own PayPal email address in their own User Control Panel section if they want to use PayPal to receive payments for their items.
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