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Former Developer
I was wondering whether we could get some sort of Central Bank system added into vbActivity.

I know there is an already existing bank in vbShop, and perhaps this could be adapted to accomodate that.

Users who get banned or who are inactive ought to have their points/credits confiscated into this central bank, which would then have it's own rate of interest set. If a user then was unbanned/unsinbinned or became active, then they would receive their original amount back. The interest then could be viewed as 'charitable' earnings that set usergroups could distribute to 'worthy' causes.

It could even be an option to allow users to put credits/points in this bank and have it locked down for a set period of time, and gain a higher rate of interest than in the Shops bank (or individually set rate via the ACP).
Not really a direction we want to go in with vBActivity. It's an experience/awards mod, and we aren't looking to expand it's "points" functionalities.

We will be looking at ways to improve the vBShop bank in future though =)
That will be cool. I wasn't so much thinking it should be part of vbActivity, but as you can link them in with VBC2D, it could be something added in there. However, any expansion of the bank in vbShop sounds cool. Do you have any roadmaps of the different projects on the site?
Your idea sounds.... extremely complicated. I doubt it exactly will ever be implemented; however bits and pieces will probably be available here and there that allow you to vaguely approximate this, albeit manually:

1) I am planning currency interest as an action for pro users. This would let you have interest on one of your currencies.
2) That currency would need to be impossible to transfer to, so the staff member banning this user would need to move it into the bank currency.
3) Upon unbanning, staff would again need to move the currency back over, referring to the logs the original amount.
4) It gets hazy here, because there is no such "central/board bank" - such a feature was extremely controversial, effectively universally hated in the original vBCredits
5) There is already the Adjust action for staff (etc) to directly give credits to other users without spending their own. The limits on this however, don't come from a set reserve.
That will be cool. I wasn't so much thinking it should be part of vbActivity, but as you can link them in with VBC2D, it could be something added in there. However, any expansion of the bank in vbShop sounds cool. Do you have any roadmaps of the different projects on the site?

Not a public one as it is liable to change quite often =P

Best bet is to keep up with the Dev Blogs, which have info of the current projects everyone is working on.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the responses. If that is able to be done manually, it might be worth trying, depending on how many points the banned user has... but yeah, it's complicated. I'm complex :)

I'll check the blogs, but I'm not certain where they are... no navbar link... :confused:
Even tho it might be complicated. It does sound like an extremely cool idea :) Might actually promote activity if people who were inactive started to lose credits ^^
It would, though I believe it's possible to do the deduction in some way with vbCredits now... not looked into that, and the money doesn't go anywhere... unless there's a way of doing it that I didn't know about.
If you specify a negation on your activity event, it will be applied for inactive users. Deducted currency does not go anywhere.
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